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In addition to the multitude of moral issues surrounding the Right to Life debate, there are many legal issues as well. We will try to keep you up to date on various legislative acts regarding pro-life issues.
We encourage you to contact your U.S. senators and representatives to let them know your thoughts. Your voice is important and our senators and representatives are sent to Washington to vote for the communities they represent. So make a phone call, drop a letter in the mail, or send them an email through the attached links. Tell them what you want. Be a voice for life.
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Of course, no matter which method you prefer, you can be assured that your contact with us will be treated with complete confidentiality.
If you send us an email, we will not respond to you unless you request us to. In most cases, questions that require no direct response are posted anonymously to our FAQ page.
Dubuque County Right To Life, Inc.
M–F 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.